Terms & Conditions

1) Once you have ordered from I-Vertex SG, it means that you have agreed to our Terms & Conditions. “Ordered” defining as that you have asked us to sell you an item, or contacted us to purchase our products.

2) The owners of I-Vertex SG have the rights to compromise our terms & conditions.

3) I-Vertex SG only allows payment via cash (meet up) and bank transfer.
For meet ups, we advise you to check your item properly before leaving. Once either you or the seller of I-Vertex SG has left the place of transaction, no change of product will be given.
For bank transfer, we will mail the product to your address. Our product will be mailed out within 3 working days, upon payment received.
Do note that mailing might cost more than the price stated on our blog/facebook page/statuses.

4) For pre-orders, if you are ordering more than $50 worth of products, you will have to make payment before mailing / meet up. If you are ordering less than $50 worth of products, you can make payment during meet up except for mailing.

Mailing will cost an additional S$5.00 which is not included in all our product prices. IT IS ADVISED NOT TO MAIL AS WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IF THE ITEM GOES MISSING.

Xavier Tan
Owner of I-Vertex SG
as of 11.02.2013